Tuesday, March 9, 2010

History of Life Insurance in The World

All human beings are basically wanted to feel security in his life. And it felt almost all people around the world. Beginning of Chinese society in protecting their trade from the pirates, then they insure all goods to the dealer's assurance that their place at the time.
It continues also with the culture of Babylon, India and roman. They make their life insurance in many ways. There is a merchant ship them separately so that if one of their merchant ships by pirates hijacked the merchant vessel to others is not affected by piracy.
Later in the ancient Roman culture, many army angota of life insurance for disasters include floods, disaster, disability, and death and has continued until today.
In the colonial period the trade include insuring life, accident and other factors that could lead to other losses begin to decrease. This is because many people who used to do much traveling and trade began to decrease, so that the insurance automatically on trade of those being substantially reduced from earlier times.
The Aryans in India has been accustomed to the life insurance in the community. This we can see in the Vedas RIG Around 1000 BC. They used to do this in everyday life they are. And as for example the name of the life insurance offices in India which is yogakshema taken from the book of the Rig Veda.

Modern life insurance

Life insurance today is known by the name of modern life insurance used in an advanced society like the UK, the United States, Australia and other developed nations. Lloyd's of London, a name that became the embryo of Lloyd's Coffee House is a place in the 17 th century was a place between traders, underwriters and ship owners to meet with trade transactions. Their affairs in accordance with each.
And even more exciting again not only the insured merchandise, even people who will be insured matipun there. What an extraordinary thing on at that time. But the British government finally prohibited conduct life insurance in such manner.

Life Insurance in United States

Life insurance in the United States followed the British way of doing insurance company.For example life insurance company first established in American colonies such as Charleston, SC. Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia in 1759. And it continues to grow rapidly and as an important information first insurance company in the United States perpama time providing insurance policies in Philadelphia, on May 22, 1761.
Life insurance business was then, as if into a booming business. Great fire in Chicago in 1871 made people increasingly feel that they should be insuring their lives.
Added to manufacture vehicles and other cars, all who want to feel the life of a safe and comfortable and do not want to bear the losses from what terfikirkan never going to happen to them as accidents, illness, disasters and others make all the people today insure his life.
Even many large companies to open an online life insurance in order to facilitate potential users around the world to contact them.

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